The trip to Capetown was supposed to be on a Friday, so Monday yacho I was planning kuti ndoti chii kuna baba vaFadzie, it was not easy to tell that big fat lie.
Stories by: Rutendo L. NziraMy sneaking around was kind of no big deal ndiri muHarare nekuti ndaiti Dan achibuda neniwo, ndaitevera mafambiro ake, and ndichidzoka pamba everyday. Apa manje pange pave kuda svondo rese ndisipo.
Monday Dan akauya kuzonditora from the restaurant, we drove home Tino akatitarisa ari the other side of the road. Dan akazviona kuti I was in a bad mood, akaedza kuita nyaya but I was giving him one word answers.
Tange tagara hedu kuita nyaya kwedu kwainetsa, our conversations were full of; none of my business, saka zvine basa rei, wakakwana here iwe, handidi kunzwa izvozvo, inga wakamboti wani or simply handiite newe izvozvo, no matter how good it was.
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Saving My Marriage Part 5 |
Ndisati ndapindura Dan akati; “Madam boss, its good you are here, Hiroshi Takizaki afona, I have to take the next flight to Japan, we may get a better deal this time for Stedan Motors. And that can take me 2 – 3 weeks.”
Hiroshi Takizaki was one of the first car dealers vatakatanga navo vekuJapan to import cars from. Hana yangu yakasvetuka kupinda mukanwa nejoy….. ok ok ngaatore zvake mari yese neiri kuRestaurant aende zvake Dan, ndakashaya kuti ndoti thank you Jesus here or ndotenda demon reAdultery nekundichengeta kwakadai.
“Mai Fadzie ….. why are you smiling absent mindedly like that? Uri kufungei ndichitaura newe?” ndakavhunduka again ndichiona kuti I had drifted in my own world.
“Oh oh ok….” Ndakandandama. “Its fine, best wishes baba Fadzie …”
“Hausi kuda kuenda Japan neni here?” Dan akandidaro, ndakapotsa ndamuridzira tsamwa, it has been 5 good years tisingafambi tese, 2 of which ndaichema nekumudembera kuti tiende tese achiramba, now ndave nekwekuenda, newekuenda naye, ave kuda kuenda neni? NO.
I wanted to tell him a piece of my mind, but on tino-thoughts, this was not a good time. Otherwise I was going to ruin my chances of happiness with my love. Ndakapfeka smile ndokuti; “Soon ndofanira kuenda kuSA for shopping, you know am revamping the restaurant, I can’t spend 3 weeks away.
Am still checking on the net kuti zvandinoda zvinowanikwa kuJorburg here or Capetown.”
Dan akaramba akanyarara akanditarisa kunge aiverenga pfungwa dzangu after a full minute akati; “You mean, mai Fadzie, you mean wange uchitoda kuenda neni had it not been for the restaurant??” Ndakamunzwisisa, zvaishamisa kuti tibvumirane nekuronga tese seizvi, ndakaona kuti ndakange ndairasa apa, getting extra nice was going to raise too much suspicion.
I gasped for air ndokuti; “Wange uchindiedzaka right? Fine. Take one of your bitches and go, toonana kumba.” Ndakabva ndabuda ndichisiya vakomana vakanyarara, Dan achiseka. I did not care whatever zvaaifunga, my point was driven home, tange tapedza kuronga zvemumba medu, baba ngavaende Japan, amai vaende Capetown, tabvumiranaka nhai shewe. Ndichisvika pamota, while the right hand was opening, the left was dialing to you-know-who…. Stress free Capetown here we come…..
Cape Town was great, it was that time and place I could feel so free nekuti ndaisatarisira kuona vekuziva.
While Tino was in his meetings, I went shopping, (not the shopping yandakange ndaudza Dan anyway, but my clothes and Tino’s, we must have the same wardrobe). I was also seeing places and getting ideas for my business. I enjoyed myself. For a while kapfungwa kekutiza Dan kakatanga kudyarika mumusoro mangu. Imagine we relocate and start a new life at a new place kwatinongosvika tichinzi baba namai Chitiyo, I laughed off my fantasies.
Every night Tino ange otaura about my divorce, he was set to convince me to leave Dan, ange otoda zvekuti ndirambane nemurume wangu, baba vevana vangu. He even promised me a new Restaurant if Dan made it difficult to give me the one I had. He even suggested I could walk away from that marriage empty handed and we could start another legacy tiri vaviri.
I was getting confused. No, no Tino please, zvange zvondiremera zvaaida izvi, not in my wildest dream had I seen myself as another man’s wife other than Dan’s. Nevertheless the pressure I was getting from Tino gave me new ideas and new visions about my future. I ended up telling Tino to give me time to sort out myself, I did not want to lose Tino, and apa ndange ndave kutya kuti everyone has a limit, how patient was he going to be and for how long?
I promised him kuti ndaizondogadzirisa zvandange ndatanga. We agreed kumbosiya nyaya iyi and enjoy our stay in Cape Town. I enjoyed the sunset walks at the beach holding hands, whispering sweet nothings. Sitting at the balcony after quality love making at midnight was just out of this world, so nice and satisfying.
I enjoyed dinner at the beach, though I failed to walk in my bikini hehehehe. Kutaura ndichitererwa nenzeve dzemoyo, I felt like a queen when Tino was updating me about his other investments, he was asking my opinion about his businesses. Even patakatanga naDan I was not consulted as much as this man was doing.
Hoo vanotoveko zvavo varume who can treat women as equals? I was in love, zvekudzungaira chaizvo, zvekunge I was living in high definition of love, though I was in fear.
After a week we left, going back to Harare kwatinofamba takahwanda in tinted car windows, hiding my true love…. Life so unfair.
Pandakasvika mumba mangu paingove nevashandi, I dropped off my luggage and rushed to the restaurant. It was high time ndambove in touch with my business, Tino was becoming a top priority because Dan was making our time limited. Manje in the next 2 or so weeks ndaizove nemurume mumwe chete so my business was supposed to get my full attention.
Dan akazodzoka in the 3rd week, he was very serious, and the way I knew him aida kuti ndimubvunze if anything was wrong, ndakarega but zvaindishaisa peace, I was jittery, and kuRestaurant ange ouya chaizvo.
After a week akazobvunza kuti ndaiitei kuCapetown for the whole week, I did not say much, then akati ndimupe all receipts and invoices kuti aone zvandakandotenga. Ndakaramba ndikati it was my business, he insisted kuti we were both Managers in Stedan Group of Companies, and he was the only investor in the restaurant so it was his right to know what was going on in that business. Ndakaramba zvakadaro.
Mumba mange mopisa, ange ogara aripo pamba, kana kuRestaurant.
He ruined my weekend nekunditevera, Saturday zuva rese taive muRestaurant, ndakatadza kudaira fone Tino paaifona, akauyawo paRestaurant akaona kuti paberekera ingwe, takangodzvokorana achibuda, Dan aive patill hapana zvaakaona.
Manheru kumba, Dan persisted about kwandaive ndikaramba ndakanyarara, akazoramba achindinyangadza, this was the final straw, I lost my patience because I was very angry, mumusoro mangu image yaTino paakauya kuRestaurant kept on coming back. Kugara kwaange akaita at his usual corner seat, sipping his juice for over an hour hoping kuti achawana 2 mins neni but zvakaramba.
I was imagining kuti ndaizomuti chii patinosangana, apa mamessages paApp aingopinda. Kutaura nekubvunzwa naDan kwakandipa hasha nekuti ainditadzisa kufunga zvandaida, pandakazoona aenderera, I shouted kuti; “I want a divorce!” Daniel akaita statue munoziva. Ndakaita sendamurova mbama asingafungire.
“….. watii? Stella watii?” akandandama ziya richiyerera in 2 seconds.
“You heard me loud and clear, I want a divorce!!”
“This is getting more interesting ” akadaro achifamba achibuda ndokuenda in shock. Ndakasara ndichibvunda, ko what have I just done? I still had mixed feelings about what to do. I was not sure if this was not succumbing to Tino’s pressure and not exactly what I wanted.
Takaita 1 week tisina kutaurirana naDan, he also stopped coming to the Restaurant, asi kumba aiveko full time. Zvakandipa mukana wekuenda kumba kwaTino pano neapo nguva dzebasa, but things were not so good, we were not happy anymore, I was sneaking around like a teenager ari kutiza baba vake. The worst part was Tino haana kubvunza, even when I tried to explain, he would smile (or grin) and kiss me.
The love making was not as sweet and exciting anymore, it was now like a simple assurance that we are still together, while guilty and stress was taking over. I was feeling bad, Tino did not deserve this ….
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